"What did Moses say?
He said, 'Lord, if your presence isn't coming with us, don't send us out of here.' He would rather have stayed in the desert, than to allow the people and himself to be brought to a place (the Promised Land, a land 'flowing with milk and honey')
he would rather have stayed in the desert with the Presence of God, than to have gone anywhere else without Him."
"And so the question today is: How bad do you want it? ...
And until we reach that place, we're still going to be partially alive; and if you want the power of the ressurrection in your life, you've gotta die the death that Jesus Christ died."
"Grief causes us to begin to lose hope. We begin to lose hope that anything in our lives will ever change: 'Why do anything, because I'm just going to lose it anyway?' 'Why fall in love with somebody if I'm going to be devastated and heartbroken anyway?' 'Why open my heart up and life up to the Lord when He's just going to disappoint me anyway?'
And we don't say that; and we certainly won't admit it to ourselves, but that is the way we walk our lives, that is what manifests in our lives day after day after day."
" 'Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days.'
And we're on our knees and we're praying and we're praying and we're praying - 'God, what's going on? I asked you about this two days ago. Well, God must not love me, or I must have done something wrong.'
Now it says right here that Jesus loved them, and yet He waited two days."