THE POINT OF DESPERATION written by: James M. De Vince © All Rights Reserved
The point of desperation is simply reaching the point where we will do anything, or throw away anything, to reach a certain goal.
If one of our family members were kidnapped or lost (perhaps a spouse or a child), we would do anything to get them back. If the kidnapping happened right in front of us, we would be chasing the perpetrator down the street, no matter what the cost. If anyone or anything got in our way, we would easily and quickly thrust them aside. Suddenly our jobs, our possessions, our vehicles, even our own lives are no longer important. There is only one thing important to us at that time: To get our loved one back.
It is this same fire, this same diligence, this same singleness of vision that God desires in our lives toward Him and His kingdom. It is here that we will lay aside anything that is in the way; not because it is the "Christian" thing to do, but because we are DESPERATE for Him and/or for an answer from Him.
It is therefore, within the process of reaching this point of desperation that many things we may battle with are finally laid aside.
What we could not possibly part with in comfort, we readily thrust aside in desperation.
Remember that in James 4:3, we find that impure motivations can, in effect, block answers to our prayers. I am fully convinced that this is what Jesus meant (at least in part) when He says in Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." When our hearts and motivations are pure, we will see the hand of God in our lives. When they are not, God will often times bring us through a refining process before we receive our answers.
God wants to reveal Himself to us (and others) by answering our prayers. But remember that He is more interested in our eternal needs than our temporary ones. Giving something to us just because we "asked" is not always in our best interest. There may be other reasons that God will "step back" from us, (like perhaps to stretch our faith), but whatever the reasons, it is important for us to discern what God is saying and doing in every situation. If God is stepping back as we step forward, then He has a purpose in mind that will eventually work to our ultimate good.
It is just like a child who is taking his first steps. When the child has gotton used to taking several steps, the parent(s) may then increase the space that the child has to walk in order to ultimately strengthen the child's ability to walk. It is the same with our Father in heaven. He will increase the distance that we must travel so that we can become even stronger in Him.
Oh! How long will it take for us to believe and to trust that God has our best interests at heart? How long will we continue to murmur and complain (as the Israelites did in the desert) instead of submitting ourselves to Him and plead our case before Him until He does what He has promised? How long will it take before we believe?